Welcome to the final post in my 4 Part mini-series about how to deal with feeling blocked, unmotivated, uninspired or just plain in a rut. Today's solution is Opening up. This can help you get back on track withe a fresh perspective. This final technique to help you break out of stagnation and help you “get out of your head” is to sit down do a brain dump, by either journaling or talking to a trusted person. The act of opening up and letting the words flow out of your mouth (or onto paper) is one of my favorite power tools for overcoming blocks. By the mere act of talking to someone about when I am feeling blocked or even writing a journal entry about it, somehow it seems to loosen things up and new ideas, answers and solutions seem to naturally surface. Let’s look at these two great ways to Open up to reveal a clear path ahead…
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Welcome to Part 3 of my mini post series about how to deal with feeling blocked, unmotivated, uninspired or just plain stuck in a rut. Today's focus is on GET MOVING As Olivia Newton John said: “Let’s get Physical” In my last post we talked about using play-time. In this post we are going to talk a bit about getting out, stretching and exercising to shake things up! Have you ever noticed when you feel a creativity block, you might also feel physically blocked too? Your body feels a bit stiffer, you may be slouching, and even your breathing may be more shallow than normal. Just like physical activity is good for the body it is also a powerful stimulator for the brain too. The importance of physical exercise for the healthy brain is discussed on Positscience.com: According to a study done by the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Georgia, even briefly exercising for 20 minutes facilitates information processing and memory function.
Remember a body in motion tends to stay in motion, and this same rule applies to your mind. So take action right now and try out one of the actions mentioned in this post, and soon you will find with a flexible body comes a flexible brain too. Feel free to share in the comments section what physical activities have really helped you break out of a mental rut. ~ In the fourth and final part of this Blog series - We will talk about reaching out and sharing with others can help you break out of a mental block. |
AuthorHello, Archives
June 2016