Welcome to the final post in my 4 Part mini-series about how to deal with feeling blocked, unmotivated, uninspired or just plain in a rut. Today's solution is Opening up. This can help you get back on track withe a fresh perspective. This final technique to help you break out of stagnation and help you “get out of your head” is to sit down do a brain dump, by either journaling or talking to a trusted person. The act of opening up and letting the words flow out of your mouth (or onto paper) is one of my favorite power tools for overcoming blocks. By the mere act of talking to someone about when I am feeling blocked or even writing a journal entry about it, somehow it seems to loosen things up and new ideas, answers and solutions seem to naturally surface. Let’s look at these two great ways to Open up to reveal a clear path ahead…
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AuthorHello, Archives
June 2016