You may have seen their ads on TV, maybe you even saw a billboard or perhaps you saw one of their inspirational quotes posted on Facebook. And if you were like me, you wondered who was behind And when I finally did visit their website I found a wonderful and extensive treasure trove of inspirational videos, quotes, and more. If you haven’t visited their website yet, I highly recommend it. My curiosity led me to their FAQ page. I really wanted to know, who was behind this force of positive messaging, the people who were bringing tears to my eyes as I watched some of their inspirational positive human values messages. Here are a few key things I learned about this wonderful organization… In essence – their values are about any values that bring out our goodness within ourselves and within our community. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS? “We believe that people are intrinsically good and often benefit from a simple reminder. We offer these messages in an effort to promote good values and positive role models.”
POSITIVE MESSAGES WITHOUT BOUNDARIES The Foundation does not have any political or religious agenda, so that people from all backgrounds might feel uplifted by these messages of encouragement and hope. Our objective is simply to promote a wide spectrum of values by providing an uplifting message around each one. They only have one sister organization “The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, is the only organization with which we are affiliated.” HOW DO THEY GET FUNDING TO DO ALL THIS: The advertising time and space for these messages is donated by broadcast and print media companies as a public service. Additionally, we work with many individuals to produce our messages, including celebrities who generously share their images and stories free of charge. Many publishers and record labels also contribute music for our public service announcements. We are grateful for the support of The Anschutz Foundation, which provides operating costs for The Foundation for a Better Life. So let’s add this up: + They aren’t asking for donations and they don’t spam people + They aren’t pushing any single group’s agendas, political, religious or otherwise – no hidden agendas + And their sole purpose is to promote positive healthy personal and community values This is such a great example of an organization who is spreading love and other powerful values universally – and I am very grateful they exist… So how can we help organizations like Go to their website , pick out one of their inspirational videos or quotes and spread their positive messages, via email, facebook, twitter, Instagram, pintrest etc. . They are giving us the tools to make our world a better place…now it’s up to us to use them! (which hint hint.. is exactly why I did this blog post!)
In a past blog post I shared how vital I believe life soundtracks are to our lives – and I encouraged you to create your own music mixes to give you hope, inspire you, help you connect to the sacred, wake up and get stuff done and more. In that same vein of curating your emotions, transformation and happiness through tools like music, I also believe in curating/ collecting and sharing videos that can cause powerful positive shifts within us. How can you use these videos to help you be happier?
I have collected a three inspirational theme videos to help you get the ball rolling. |
Talk About it Ever had an AH-HA moment as you were telling a friend about a problem you were facing? Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you talk to people about what is on your mind, that it seems to engage the brain and you are surprised what comes out of your mouth? It’s like the answer was just sitting there waiting, to surface from your unconscious. It’s true. Sometimes you have to say what’s on your mind and heart to a trusted source like your spouse, a trusted friend, mentor or an empowerment coach, lift the internal burden and release the blocks within. By talking about it, your brain kicks into gear and starts to work on the problem. When you work with professionals like Mentors or Coaches, they bring to the conversation a special skill known as Power Questions. These questions can act like keys to a locked door. These Power Questions are highly beneficial to helping you look at the situation from multiple angles; listen to your inner voice; and can provide powerful insights and definitely help you break out of a mental or emotional block. Below I list some good basic power questions you can ask yourself as you journal about where you feel lacking. |
Journal about it Sometimes you don’t have access to a trusted person to talk to. Or sometimes, you don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone about what you are blocked about. You may want to try writing or journaling about it. There have been plenty of times, when I crawl into bed I find I can’t go to sleep because I am frustrated and feel blocked about something, but everyone in the house is asleep, so I am on my own to deal with what is keeping me awake. The solution that works well for me is to grab my journal and write about it. Usually at 2:24am, and my brain won’t let me sleep, these are the things I journal about:
I encourage you to write all your answers down and make a plan to take action. And by the time I am done writing out answers to questions (like the ones listed above), much to my relief, I feel a lot a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I can finally fall asleep soundly. Of course - you can use these questions anytime or anywhere. |
And lastly, here is a TED talk video I want to share with you. It's about getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) Alison Ledgerwood | TEDxUCDavis I hope you have enjoyed this 4 part series on Getting Unblocked and Unstuck. I have no doubt, soon you will be back on track again, unblocked, motivated and happier. If you used any of the suggestions, tools or suggestions I recommended – let me know how they made a difference for you. And by the way… I am here for you, if you do need someone to lend an ear, ask you powerful questions to help you get unstuck and on track again. If you are interested – Check out my services. LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS SERIES: Part 1: Feeling blocked? Get Inspired Part 2: Feeling blocked? Go Play Part 3: Feeling blocked? Get Moving |
I'm so glad you're here.
My name is Holly Hansen.
and I help people lead happier more meaningful lives through my Empowerment Coaching
I am also the Creator of Mental Spa Experiences and My Happiness Box.
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